4 reasons to invest in bollard covers

4 reasons to invest in bollard covers

One may have come across rows of posts lining the parking lots, sidewalks, or the front of a building. The posts are known as bollards. They protect buildings, commercial properties, and pedestrians from collisions by serving as physical barriers and highlighting parts of the path that are off-limits. Bollard covers, as the name suggests, slide over the bollards and provide these posts with additional protection. Here is why they are worth considering:

1. Better visual appeal
If left uncovered, painted bollards can be exposed to wear and chips. Additionally, metal bollards are vulnerable to corrosion and rust. Bollard covers address these issues, as they are made using materials that resist damage caused by sunlight, moisture, and even accidents. What’s more? Bollard covers come in varying colors, patterns, and styles, allowing businesses to choose something that elevates the visual appeal of their property.

2. Greater protection
Bollards are placed to protect the property against any damage caused due to accidents. Bollard covers can enhance the protection of the property, bollards, and the vehicle in case of such collisions. The cover adds durability to the bollard and makes it more resistant to natural wear and tear and damage. In minor collisions or accidents, the cover, typically made up of plastic or vinyl, can prevent the vehicle and the bollard from suffering excessive damage.

3. Improved visibility
Bollard cover can also help businesses and properties improve the visibility of their property. Covers can be used to add to the height of the existing bollard and improve its visibility. One can also opt for unique colors to make the bollards stand out against the backdrop. This can help make the bollards easily visible to drivers and reduce the chances of collision.

4. Money-saving solution
Bollard covers can help businesses save money as they enhance the prevention of accidental damage to property. Further, with bollard covers, businesses can save money on bollard maintenance, repainting, and scraping, which can be expensive. One might argue that covers also require initial investment; however, they can help in the abovementioned ways in the long run.